Sunday, November 20, 2011

9-1-1 Part 3: SHRUNKEN HEADS

My attention is drawn back

To Market Street... 

Life is busy 

Picking its teeth... 

With the toothpick people 

Down on their knees...  

Hiding their faces  

From that awful scene... 

Where alcohol and dope  

Fuel up 
The saddlebags  

Of their needle dreams... 

"I Hate YOU! I Hate YOU!"  

His voice is a bludgeon... 

He drags her across the parking lot... 

"What about the kids, Joe? 

They need their father!” 

He grabs her throat, 

Smashing his bottle!

You know this poor guy  

Has changed his colors...
Last year got a raise 

And a big promotion! 

Hate and rage, now 

Swell so deep... 

Since the mill closed down 

And walked away... 

With all the Gold 

They had ever known. 

Hand in the empty coffers so deep...

Drenched with the blood

They could pull the teeth

From the Green Chain mouth

Of honest work

Hard and thankless

The owners wave...

Farewell, leaving town... 

In their black limousines!!!

"Call 9-1-1!" a wino yells...  

Swollen-tongued, moving his hands

"Wife beating is illegal 
In the LAND of the FREE"

The Voice comes on  

As the coin slips away.

"What is the nature of your problem you say?” 

“Who said it was MY PROBLEM, any GODDAMN way?!” 

It was YOUR American Dream Bullshit Party, 

That created this angry man-child turning 

Into this board-wielding believer in the Benevolent Masters 

Who dropped them all like hot potatoes

The minute his profits went down the river

Putting this woman in serious danger...

Too tired to scream, she sobs in the gutter...

From the look in his eyes, I think he's going to DO her...

I called 9-1-1, but it was too much trouble...

Twice in one night, requires a better story...

“This woman needs help NOW, or this drunk fool will KILL her!!!”

Word on the street is she has a "Big Habit...  

Strung Out, pregnant and seriously battered...  

With her "Sugar Daddy" gone now, she'll never get better  

"Kicking" that shit is a real bed wetter!

The medicine-cabinet children 

Of this Chromosome Damaged Nation 

Their drug addicted mothers 

Begging for Deliverance... 

Waiting for the Letter 

And the personal belongings 

Not to mention that Big Check 

From the Veterans Administration

And that urn of smelly gray powder 

In its rightful place up on the mantle 

Is his mortal contribution... 

To the nation that created 

This drug infested ghetto... 

She stashes her dope 

In his pint-sized quarters...

On the one hand it’s Brilliant!! 

But, on the other, it’s Horrible!

The baby in her belly, forever shaking... 

To be born addicted, always craving... 

Kicking her guts out, every five minutes 

One-day-old detox is not real pretty!!!

No milk can dilute the Needle of Hate 

Jammed in an arm or lost in a vein... 

The demonic filth flows 

As easy as the name!!! 

Picked out before she even 

Started to show 

Is what I want to know!
"Dope Poisoned Milk"

"Come again?!” 

the phone God demands...  

"Where were YOU 
when the shit hit the fan?!” 

"Not talking to a 
Lousy Cop. Ha! Ha!"
"Fuck you!" she says
I quickly hang up!!!  

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