Sunday, November 20, 2011

9-1-1 Part 3: HIJACKED

Through a long steady draw on the coffin nail dream... 

The front door slowly opens, I'm instantly afraid... 

The light of Uncola streams in like a ghost... 

The silhouette backlit, fills the door 

I cock my pistol and take off the lock... 

A Bladerunner perhaps sent to ZAP my butt? 

I'm so flattered to have actually pissed them off 

"In the bag, DAD?" a familiar voice croons 

"I've got a problem, Can WE TALK?" 

Only a daughter could sit and chat 

To a man about the Epidemic 
with the Bag of Turin on his head... 
"You and Mom had all the fun... 

Free love and all, or so they say...?" 

"Times have changed my dearest one... 

The party's over and the Dark Side has won...
You can always wear a condom over your head 

If you believe every kiss will be the Kiss of Death!!!"

The "Black Crows" want this girl real bad 

To sing hymns all day, snake-charm the crowds 

And bury the Bone Of Righteousness so deep 

A sweaty preacher's palm on a young girl's knee... 

Stroking and rubbing new skin so soft 

No, the young and glamorous don’t have a chance... 

With a THREE-LEGGED preacher in TWO-legged pants! 

"God gave us AIDS to save the human race 

From copulating homos!" 
you hear the preachers say... 

Excluding, of course, the Chosen Few... 

Who seduce with this swill the young and confused!

Now fascist balls tingle in the belfries, so high 

People are terrified of the blissful delights 

Shoved into condoms instead of a cure... 

Or the body-bag alternative--
a Third World War 

Seemingly wed-locked in the missionary position... 

Or, even I've heard, 

Unless, of course, like shepherds of old... 

You boff the muttons, yelling, 
“Christ That’s Good!!!” 

Treat your flock with kindness, sir, 

“Now wife, what’s fer SUPPER!!”

Three Legged Preacher in Two Legged Pants 

"You Are What You Eat!"

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