The candles of souls
Snuffed from stale air...
On the stairway to heaven
Cannot be re-lit...
Ending suddenly in the rafters
Of truth fucking clergy
That roll out church doors
And windows each Sunday
Down into the village
Of the sad and deserted
To burn the hands of vandals
And other wretched humans
That wander from the ditches...
Of white atomic powder...
To dial 9-1-1 with their only
Remaining finger!
“What is the nature of your problem, Sir?”
“Who said it was My Problem?!
I Was Raided By Predatory Christians, Ma'am
Who snuck in my studio to beat me up...
With their horrible brand of Psychedelic Smut.
My wiener duel with the bible-coated thug
I admit, gave me the best orgasm
I've had since LUNCH!!!”
"Just keep joking"
An evil chuckles hiss...
"A few more seconds
and we'll know where you live!!!”
I left my mouth running
In the 9-1-1 tub...
Which is rapidly filling
Their computers up!!!
Fire trucks, cops
And paramedics
Will show up in droves
For the public hanging
Firing squad, or
Brutal spanking
Or, whatever suits the
State today...
When they catch a painter with
Too much to say
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