Attack Surrealist Semenary

Manifesto of the Attack Surrealist Semenary
by R.C. Webb

Perilously, it is affirmed!
That a State of War is declared to exist between the A.S.S.
And the Post-Modern shit merchants of Pimp/Pop Culture!

Diatribe I.
Though cruelly rejected by the Marxist/Leninist Avant-Garde of yesteryear
as unfit for Intellectual Servitude and
Ridiculed by comrades and branded; we Surrealists marched on
Demanding our exalted non-place in the History of the World,
Still Reaming
Still Dreaming!
Still Screaming for the Truth!
“In Service to the Revolting,”; replaced “Higher Calling”
Our studios fizzled as the Art Narcs danced among us!
Drinking our wine, eating our food, feigning Criticism/Self-Criticism!
Our self-anointed enemies wallowed with delight in our Social Rejection!
Their flags of gangrene waved like sheets of dead skin!
On their knees, praying for our total demise,
It’s said they drilled holes in PEEP HOUSE walls,
To eavesdrop on Surrealist incantations,
To spy on the works of the
Vomiting to the Mandates of the Father!
While the true Light of Uncola slithered under the door
Illuminating our hands, old and fruitless
As we caressed the memories of our Revolution
The Palette of Bullets
As if to say:
“There are no Gods, at least none that matter”
Nor Shrines or Memorials for this malaise
Nor coffins for the rigormortised Body Politic;
Only the “Sky” burial remains, like in old Tibet . . .
The Pulverization of the devout Corporeal
So high above our Puny Existence;
Where vultures, so stuffed, they cannot even fly . . .
Squawk for more!
While the non-believers far below
Just to “get by”


Diatribe II.

The Millennium is upon us to shred the carcasses of the
Unwashed and Forgotten
To neutralize the Working Class
To eradicate the Left Wing of Every Thing, once and for all!
Where to “Question Authority”
Invokes laughter and There-you-go-again’s!
Throw your chicken grenades, Eggs of Changes, HA!

Half the word starves every day and you throw food at Despots and
The only thing more pathetic is our Studios,
And the empty pantries within them!
Art signifies Nothing . . . As long as the Dead stay Dead!
Day of the Dead, Week of the Dead, Month of the Dead, Year of the
We Surrealists know how this sorry chapter on Mankind will end!
We react with Nausea of Sartre to the vile tumors of the State
And its Date Rape Mentality!
A Holy War of Small Men;
Jihad of the Junkies!
Legends within their own minds!
Swimming in the piss of their own self-fulfilling prophecies!
The irony being they learned it from US!
The armed struggle wet-dream left the 70s high and dry,
The 80s became a wasteland of pious slogans,
Empty cadres and Lost causes,
The 90s fed on itself
Chewed up its young and spit them out.
Art is Nothing
In the face of such Wrath,
And the Revolution? What in the Hell was that?
The premature ejaculators, more early than late
Got the last laugh, at the Millennium’s Gate.


The Easter Painting: The Last Temptation of the Wieny Christ

Diatribe III.
Now! Is the time to Attack!!!
Just when the self-appointed keepers of the Crotchless Wonders
Think it’s safe to wash their soiled Acrylans
And reinstate the Fundamentals of Acquiescence and Powerlessness!
All “artists-in-tow” must arise to confront the Cruel Merchants of our
“Favored Ones!”
We reject the Dirty Band-Aids of your Bogus Generosity!
We reject the “Casting Couch” mentality and outright Asskissing
You so psychopathically require!
What if we made art that insulted your Personal Values?
What if we made art that defaced your Property?
What if we made art that sodomized (ouch!) your Pet Dog?
What if we made art that broke your mirrors and you could no longer admire
your Wretched Cleverness?
What if we made art by wiping our asses with the Rag of Turin;
Took a crap in the Koran, or jerked off on the Torah?
Could we actually get a show with a contract without having to chew on
Your Smelly Pantyhose or pull down your Boxers?

I think not.


Diatribe IV.

Attack Surrealists of the non-future will not be silent!
We will give you a final peek at your Dead Seas, your Black Air, your
Mutant Still-Borns
Long before the 6 o’clock news!
Cough up your coward’s venue, Surrender the despot walls
Expunge the bankrupt fodder of your Chosen Ones!
The future will hang like a host of still-warm dead rats
Sliced for maximum texture!
The warm red supper of the Bunker Elite!
The sticky red fur goes to the “Movers & Shakers,”
Hungry for the pastry-like overdoes!
Let them reel in delight to the Coked-out notion
That the Enigma of Casserole led by aromas
Sometimes leads to wet dreams
And that’s better than Rat Fur
Recently run-over!

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