Sunday, October 23, 2011

9-1-1 Part 1: MAC 10

MAC 10
 School kids with MAC 10’s 

Smoke dope for courage 

Green suburban schoolyards 

And video paint-ball jungles... 

Blast their bad-time schoolmates 

The do-gooders had it comin' 

Ready to hose, your grungy Goth clothes 

Treat you like they were slummin'

The Brady Bunch got slaughtered 

In the Jihad of the Junkies 

For anything they could find to sell 

To stave off the one trick monkey... 

Load up the trunk with high class loot 

Jonesing, they can't wait to unload it 

Kill for a fix 

Turn a few Tricks 

And go out again in the morning.

Lost in the vinyl of Lazy-Boy Land, 

Parents are chained to a wall-sized T.V. 

Watching wholesale murder and rape 

Too far from the fridge to relieve 

Kosovo, Rwanda, or Taliban Thugs 

The Belly of the Monster keeps filling 

No need to take a stand, in Lazy-Boy Land 

Or give a damn about all that ruthless killing.

"Life chops its own Meat" 

In the fly-papered lair 

Youthful minds cross-thread and fry 

Not that anyone cares... 

Everyone’s to blame unless they have 
Your Name 
Your Religion, Your Skin Color, or History 

Shit in-Shit out, is what dope is all about... 

So why is Violence and Hate such a mystery?

Classmates gather around the graves,
Their pain shows the turmoil they're in
With Mac 10's and junkies
And Lazy-Boy Flunkies
The Proof's in The Pudding -- Amen

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


  Ever see a human take a real solid hit  

Or a knife in the chest that didn't make a real mess?  

Maybe outside McDonalds or a drive-in nightclub  

Splattering their gang guts all over the sidewalk  

The floor of the drive-by fills up with hot brass  

Smokin’ tonight Bro, cappin' some punk-ass  

The kid on the couch watchin' "Boys in the Hood"  

Thinks the noise is straight out of Hollywood  

Sirens howl like demons while scattered bullets whiz  

He passes by the window on his way to take a piss  

The stray pops his head like a Randy Weaver melon  

Kicked through the goal post by some "baby head" felon  

The wallboard shreds like paper from the Uzi gunner’s finger 

Zit-faced white bread, strung out, gang-banger 

Tweaking from the heat of the automatic's fever  

He sweats like a man  

He cries like a child  

The glasspak roars  

He’ll get the headlines for sure

Sad faced firemen hose down the mess  

Police write down the number but it's the wrong address 

The “Boys in the Hood”  

He was their little friend 

He thought it would be cool  

To grow up just like them  

Lockin’ and Loadin’ with a shit-eating grin 

He’ll be Squirmin’ like Vermin when the gurney’s rolled in 

Read out the name while the executioner drools 

Voted "most likely to die 
Before quitting high school"  

Better think about it, you’d be safer in a Cult 

Than to get a hangin’ judge and be tried as an Adult 

When the hammer falls and the verdict is read 

Nobody will give a shit for what’s in your head 

Or that you see the world through eyes so sad  

To smell gunpowder, smoke and lead  

To go to bed happy  

And wake up Dead!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

9-1-1 Part I: Pissed It All Away

If Life was a Game Show 

You'd have to be present to Win 
If Life was a Cop Show 

You'd have to turn in all your Friends  

If Life was a Talk Show
Everything they said would be True  

No,  Life is just a RUBBER HOSE 

That leaves you Black and Blue

Yes, Life is just a Rubber Hose 

That leaves you Black and Blue
Is life just a daytime Soap 

Because real life is so Cruel?  

Is Life just a Cheap Burlesque 

Where lonely men Re-tool?  

Is Life just a front row seat 

On a fast freight to Hell? 

No, Life is what you make it 

If you can just get past the Smell!

Yes, Life is what you make it  

If you ever get past the Smell!
Is Life just a Big Freak Show 

That everyone must pay to See?  

Is life just a Lazy Boy 

Chained to a huge TV?  

Is Life just a GO-GO Show 

Shitted out at Half-time PLAY?  

No, Life is just a big "NO SHOW" 

Cause you Pissed it all away!

Yes, Life is just a big "NO SHOW" 

Cause you Pissed it all AWAY!

Last Dancer "No Encore"